The Privacy Policy explains what cookies are, how we use them and how we process collected data. You can access our Privacy Policy via this link.

By browsing our website (clicking, navigating or scrolling), you consent to our use of cookies. If you do not agree to our use of cookies, you can prevent their installation through the settings of your browser. However, if you disable cookies, it might result in some parts of this website not functioning properly and it may impact your user experience on this site.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are messages or small files that are placed on your web browser when you visit an internet site. Cookies are useful and allow a website to recognise a user’s device and improve their online experience.

How and why do we use cookies?

We use cookies when you access our websites and our online products and services to make the site more efficient as well as enhance our understanding of how you use our site.

Cookies help us provide, protect and improve our services by personalising, tailoring and measuring our products for a satisfactory and safe experience. We also use them for analytical research, to help us authenticate users and assess performance and functionality of our online products and services.


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